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Best of 🍑 Season (2023)

for a better experience.


Fruit Lady's Journal chronicles every farm we've visited this year. Opinions are formed from seeing a range of offerings, and it's just natural to start ranking those opinions. With that in mind, we've picked our 2023 🍑 season favorites in a range of categories. Rankings will evolve as we visit more farms!

Best Peach Picking

#1 Bells Orchard

We arrived mid-morning on a weekday, but the orchard still had reasonable traffic. It was easy to understand once we were among the trees. The 🍑 peaches were plentiful, ripe and delicious.

🏆 August 3, 2023

#2 Perryhill Farm

We started too late this day and arrived at the field with less than a hour to pick. The 🍑 peaches were ready for us though, and we quickly found more than enough to satisfy our needs thru the following week.

🏆 July 22, 2023

Best Kid Experience

#1 Bells Orchard

Kids will love it here! The trees are the perfect height, and some of the wagons are even kid oriented. The cozy playground has it all. Parents might not get to pick much fruit after the kids see it. Be prepared! 😆

🏆 August 3, 2023

Best Wagons

#1 Bells Orchard

Our second trip here required a wagon, and the choices are really nice. Some are equiped to haul a lot of fruit, and others better suited to haul around kids! There is even an option suitable for small children to use.

🏆 August 12, 2023

Find the experience behind these rankings in Fruit Lady's 2023 Journal. We know other pickers will have varying opinions and experiences. Let us know if you agree, or tell us which farms are best!

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